The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) released a report detailing its progress in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in its workforce.

The NCUA’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) annual report also highlights the agency’s efforts to ensure fair and inclusive business practices and assess the diversity policies and practices of the entities it regulates.
“This report reflects the agency’s ongoing commitment to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion as values reflected in our policies and practices,” NCUA Chairman Todd Harper said. “The NCUA remains deeply dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in its workforce, business activities, and the credit union system, and creating a greater sense of belonging within the agency for all employees.”
Among the achievements, NCUA reported that 41.5 percent of new hires in 2020 were people of color. Further, gender diversity among the agency’s senior executives achieved parity for the first time. Also,
15.4 percent and 4.2 percent of the NCUA’s workforce identify as having disabilities and targeted disabilities, respectively.
Further, 23.4 percent of the NCUA’s workforce participated in employee resource groups, more than twice the benchmark participation rate. Also, there were 15 facilitated, open discussions on racial injustice and racism hosted by OMWI in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd and the nationwide Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
“Unquestionably, 2020 was one of the most challenging years in recent history,” Harper said. “Despite the unexpected changes the COVID-19 pandemic caused to the agency’s operations, OMWI skillfully ensured that the NCUA continued to adhere to its mission and values.”
NCUA’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion oversees all agency matters relating to monitoring and establishing policies for diversity at NCUA. It also assesses the diversity policies and practices of NCUA’s regulated entities.