House Democrats seek meeting with Housing and Urban Development, USDA to discuss Trump’s housing cuts

House Democrats on the Financial Services Committee are requesting a meeting with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) leaders to discuss the impact of the Trump Administration’s proposed cuts to housing programs.

All 26 Democrats on the committee, including ranking member Reps. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) sent a letter to committee chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), requesting hearings with HUD Secretary Ben Carson and Sonny Perdue, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

“These proposed cuts to both HUD and USDA would undoubtedly increase homelessness and poverty across our nation, including among veterans, seniors, persons with disabilities, and families with children,” the representatives wrote. “At a time when our country is experiencing a serious rental housing crisis in which far too many households are struggling with unaffordable rents, and at a time when many of our rural communities are struggling to cope with the ongoing impacts of deindustrialization, this budget represents an irresponsible proposal to take our country in the wrong direction.”

The Trump Administration has also proposed eliminating the position of Under Secretary of Rural Development, a key role in overseeing the Rural Housing programs at the USDA.

In May, committee Democrats hosted a roundtable discussion with urban and rural community leaders to examine the impact of the proposed cuts. In addition, committee Democrats wrote letters calling for funding increases for a variety of federal and rural housing programs and rural housing programs.

The Trump Administration’s FY 2018 budget request would reduce the overall HUD budget by 15 percent, or approximately $7.4 billion, compared to FY 2017 funding levels.