Ted Kaouk named CFTC’s first Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer

On Wednesday, Rostin Behnam, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman, announced that Dr. Ted Kaouk would serve as that agency’s first Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer.

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Kaouk is currently the agency’s Chief Data Officer and Director of the agency’s Division of Data. In his new role as CFTC’s Chief Data & Artificial Intelligence Officer, Kaouk will lead the development of CFTCs enterprise data and artificial intelligence strategy to further integrate efforts to advance data-driven capabilities at CFTC.

“Enhanced data analytics and artificial intelligence have the potential to transform the CFTC’s long-term capabilities for oversight, surveillance, and enforcement in the derivatives markets. As one of my top priorities, the CFTC has been deeply engaged in efforts to deploy an enterprise data and artificial intelligence strategy to modernize staff skillsets, instill a data-driven culture, and begin to leverage the efficiencies of AI as an innovative financial markets regulator,” Behnam said. “Ted has the requisite technical and leadership experience needed to lead and implement the CFTC’s data and AI roadmap at this critical stage to achieve the best outcomes for the CFTC and those it serves.”

Kaouk joined the CFTC in December 2023. Prior to that, he served as the Chief Data Officer and Responsible Official for AI at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), where he developed that agency’s federal government-wide human capital data strategy, as well as other data products. Before that Kaouk was the Chief Data Officer for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, where he established the USDA’s first enterprise data analytics and AI platform, as well as a data strategy for improved organizational decision-making and outcomes for citizens. He also served as the first Chair of the Federal Chief Data Officers Council from its inception in 202 to January 2024.

Kaouk was a member of the U.S Navy as a surface warfare officer, and earned his bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Naval Academy. He also earned a master’s degree from the University of Virginia and a PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park.