U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-C)) will introduce legislation that directs the attorney general to develop a regulatory framework for marijuana that would be enacted as soon as the federal government legalized marijuana.

The Preparing Regulators Effectively for a Post-Prohibition Adult Use Regulated Environment (PREPARE) Act would outline a process for federal regulations incorporating many of the lessons learned by states that have already legalized marijuana, like Colorado.
“Colorado successfully pioneered marijuana legalization a decade ago, thanks in part to the Amendment 64 Task Force,” Hickenlooper said. “Federal legalization doesn’t need to start from scratch, and we should prepare for when it arrives.”
U.S. Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) has already introduced a companion bill in the House.
“I’m thrilled that the PREPARE Act will be introduced in the Senate, making it not only further bipartisan, but bicameral, and bringing it one step closer to becoming law,” Joyce said. “This legislation gives lawmakers on both sides of the aisle the answers they need to effectively engage on cannabis reform, safely and effectively regulate it, and remedy the harms caused by the failed war on cannabis. With those answers, Congress can develop a much-needed federal regulatory framework that not only respects the unique needs, rights, and laws of each state but also ensures a responsible end to prohibition and a safer future for our communities.”
The bill would also create a task force to provide recommendations on the legislation, much like the type of task force he created when he was governor of Colorado.