The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) recently expanded access to its consumer assistance complaint portal, which would allow for a quicker process for credit unions to correspond with NCUA’s assistance center about complaints concerning their institutions.

Credit union CEOs may now designate an additional credit union employee or official to use the portal to view consumer complaints submitted to the assistance center with any issues regarding their unions. Previously, only CEOs had access to the portal on behalf of their organization.
Originally opened in Nov. 2015, the portal is located on NCUA’s website. Portal use is voluntary, however, users must first register for the service before accessing the portal. Any information contained within the portal is not accessible by the public.
In addition to the portal’s introduction, NCUA also implemented complaint resolution procedures in 2015 to improve the way agencies handle consumer complaints involving federal consumer financial protection law and regulations. All federally funded insured credit unions were made aware of these improvements in a June 2015 letter to credit unions.
Under new complaint handling procedures, any complaint filed with the assistance center involving a federal consumer financial protection matter will be sent to the credit union for attempted resolution. If a complaint cannot be resolved within 60 days, the assistance center may begin its own separate investigation.