U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) has introduced a bill she said seeks to address unresolved issues in implementing the 2018 Farm Bill hemp provisions.

Pingree said the Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 would provide greater clarity and flexibility to hemp growers and processors. While the 2018 Farm Bill federally legalized hemp production, regulatory ambiguity has hindered industry growth.
“The 2018 Farm Bill laid a legal pathway for hemp production but created overly complicated regulations and hardship for farmers and small businesses in the process,” Pingree said. “I am introducing The Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 to eliminate unworkable testing requirements, set reasonable THC thresholds for producers and processors while protecting consumers, and end the discriminatory policy that bans people with drug convictions from growing legal hemp.”
Per Pingree, the bill corrects unintended implementation and makes the hemp industry more profitable and more equitable.
“We are deeply grateful to Congresswoman Chellie Pingree for her strong leadership in spearheading this legislation on behalf of hemp growers, processors, and consumers nationwide,” the U.S. Hemp Roundtable noted via a statement in support of the legislation. “The U.S. Hemp Roundtable is proud to have led a broad-based industry effort to propose the policies that underlie this legislation and to have worked closely with Rep. Pingree’s excellent staff throughout the drafting process to ensure our concerns were taken into consideration. Rep. Pingree’s vision and tenacity will make a significant and meaningful difference for our emerging industry.”