An International Town Hall webinar was held in Bermuda on Dec. 2 to raise awareness of career opportunities in the insurance and risk management industry as well as support recruitment efforts for the next generation of industry leaders.

The initiative, led by Hamilton Insurance Group Chairman and CEO Brian Duperreault, was in response to data that indicated a potential shortfall of insurance agents across the United States over the next few years.
“With the sharing economy, technological advances and associated emerging risks, this is a brave new world of insurance,” said Duperreault. “But without a full court, industry-wide press, events will overtake action. We’ll be facing gaps in management and new talent that make it difficult, if not impossible, to meet the needs of the digital world we’re living in. So we need you. You’ve already chosen a career in insurance. Yours is the best voice for your peers to hear.”
Data compilations show over 400,000 insurance industry positions will become vacant in the next four years within the U.S. The Town Hall attracted over a thousand young insurance professionals from across the country in an effort to inspire the next generation to consider the industry for a potential career.