The Independent Community Bankers of America’s Community Banker University launched the Compliance Vault, a new subscription-based repository that addresses the most frequently asked compliance-related questions from community bankers.

With the Compliance Vault, compliance officers will be able to query the database using a keyword, phrase or question and gain instant access to more than 1,500 answers, select e-learning courses and relevant compliance-related documents. Topics are sorted by regulatory field, and further broken down by category, and reference the originating source. Banks can also submit their own questions to an expert.
“Time is a precious commodity for busy compliance officers who need a reliable source of information that is easily accessible and reflects today’s complex regulatory environment,” Community Banker University Group Executive Vice President Lindsay LaNore said. “Community Banker University answered the community banker call for an information vault of this nature, while leveraging our network of experts to deliver answers our community bank members can rely on. If they can ask it, chances are it has been addressed and is accessible in the new Compliance Vault. It’s an exciting launch and next step for Community Banker University.”
The site is frequently updated, with new additions incorporated as regulations are finalized or new courses, documents or checklists become available. Pricing is based on the number of users at the community bank.
“This subscription-based Compliance Vault puts the answers to our compliance-related questions at our fingertips, allowing us to devote more time and energy to serving our customers,” Robert Page, market president at Harbor Community Bank in Gainesville, Florida, said.