Greenwich Associates recently named U.S. Bank as a Best Brand for Small Business and for Middle Market Banking.

U.S. Bank is just one of eight institutions to win Best Brand Overall awards in both the small business, which ranges from $1 million to $10 million in annual assets, and middle market categories, which cover annual sales ranging from $10 million to $500 million.
“We work hard to advocate for our clients and support their success,” said Elliot Jaffee, executive vice president and head of commercial baking for U.S. Bank. “This recognition is external validation that our approach is making a difference for our clients and we couldn’t be more pleased.”
Overall, U.S. Bank was recognized by Greenwich as a Best Brand in six different categories including overall, loans or lines of credit, and cash management for small businesses and overall, loans or lines of credit and cash management for middle market banking.
In addition to Greenwich’s recognition, U.S. Bank’s Business Edge Platinum credit card was also recently named as Best for Borrowing in the small business category of Money Magazine’s annual Best Credit Cards listing.
“U.S. Bank employees are committed to providing great service to small business customers and it’s nice to have that effort show through in brand reputation surveys like this,” said U.S. Bank’s Head of Business Banking Ross Carey.