Florida opens registration Cannabis Equity Summit

Florida state officials said registration is now open for the inaugural Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Cannabis Equity Summit.

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The Fort Lauderdale event, held on June 17, 2022, will include the theme “Accessing Opportunities and Overcoming Obstacles.” It is hosted in conjunction with the Urban League of Broward County, Greenbook Academy, and Skyers Law Group.

“This summit is an important opportunity to recognize the inequities that exist in the cannabis industry and come together as a community to increase access to the industry and state-legal programs as we continue to push for full legalization and restorative justice for communities impacted by the failed War on Drugs,” Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Nikki Fried said. “I hope you’ll join me at this inaugural event to hear from experts, vendors, growers, and more on the part we all play towards creating a more impartial cannabis industry in our state and beyond. Together, we can keep Florida growing equitably.”

During her first year in office, Fried formed a Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee as a means of determining ways to expand patient access, increase industry innovation and technology and issue recommendations to the Florida legislature and the state’s Department of Health’s Office of Medical Marijuana Use to improve the state’s medical marijuana policies.

Florida’s hemp industry has created an estimated $370 million economic impact within its first year. The industry has supported more than 9,000 jobs and generated over $17 million in federal, state, and local tax revenue.