As a means of providing firms with information to ease compliance with rules and regulations, the Financial Industry Regulation Authority recently published its 2018 Report on FINRA Examination Findings.

FINRA officials said the detailed observations provided in the annual report are the latest resource made available as a result of its ongoing organizational improvement initiative, FINRA360.
“We hope the observations within the Exam Findings Report enable firms to strengthen their own control environments and address potential deficiencies before their next exam,” FINRA CEO Robert Cook said.
The report includes a collection of FINRA’s observations from recent examinations considered important because of their potential significance, frequency, and impact on investors and the markets. It also describes practices the organization has observed to be effective in certain circumstances.
The report is part of a collection of publications FINRA has made available to firms on a variety of issues and joins FINRA’s report cards as another resource firms can use to gauge their compliance controls against the rest of the industries. FINRA publishes an annual Regulatory and Examination Priorities Letter to highlight issues of importance to FINRA’s regulatory programs.
FINRA is a not-for-profit dedicated to investor protection and market integrity, regulating brokerage firms doing business with the public in the United States.