Federal Reserve looking for individuals to serve on insurance advisory committee

The Federal Reserve Board is looking for individuals to serve on its Insurance Policy Advisory Committee, or IPAC.

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For these roles, the Federal Reserve Board is seeking individuals that possess a diverse set of expertise in the insurance industry to serve on this committee. More specifically, the board is looking for professionals with knowledge on various types of insurance, including life insurance, property and casualty insurance, and reinsurance. Also, the Fed board is looking for individuals that have diverse professional backgrounds, including experience in insurance accounting, actuarial science, academia, insurance regulation, and policyholder advocacy.

The IPAC is comprised of 21 members. The members will all serve staggered three-year terms. Each year, the Fed board selects seven individuals to each serve three-year terms. Further, the board may select additional individuals to fill any term that is unexpired and vacated by an existing member.

Those who are interested in serving are asked to submit a Statement of Interest to the Fed board between Monday, Aug. 7 and Monday, Oct. 2, 2023. Interested parties can find additional information about the selection process, including instructions on how to apply for IPAC membership, in the Federal Register notice.

The board intends to announce the appointment of members later this year.