Discover Financial Services is adding more than 200 full-time positions in its Phoenix Customer Care Center, mostly in customer service, collections and fraud.

The openings are a result of Discover’s customer growth.
Key responsibilities for customer service positions include listening to the needs of customers, finding solutions, and responding to concerns regarding accounts.
The center includes a fitness center, mile-long walking path, lounges, and sports facilities. The cafeteria that includes a variety of healthy eating options with nutrition information. Discover promotes employee wellness by having an on-site nurse, counselor and weekly on-site subsidized Weight Watchers meetings.
“Discover is committed to providing a workplace culture of collaboration, inclusion and respect,” Steve Bayans, vice president of Discover Phoenix Customer Care Center, said. “We’ve received various local honors for being a great place to work and believe it’s a testament to how employees feel about our Phoenix center. We offer the training, resources and tools needed for employees to flourish and grow their careers, while also providing an award-winning customer experience.”
Discover provides tuition reimbursement, maternity and paternity leave, and various professional development opportunities. All Discover employees begin their career with the company with 20 to 25 Paid Time Off (PTO) days, that are prorated depending on start date.