Consedine named CEO for National Association of Insurance Commissioners

Michael Consedine, former insurance commissioner for the state of Pennsylvania, was appointed chief executive officer for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) on Dec. 10.

As the new CEO, Consedine will lead the association’s office in Washington, D.C. in addressing state and federal government affairs, as well as international activities. In this regard, he will be both advocate and spokesperson for the group. The announcement was made at the opening session of the NAIC’s Fall 2016 national meeting in Miami, Florida.

It was also heralded by the American Insurance Association’s president and CEO, Leigh Ann Pusey.

“He brings to the position a deep understanding of the state-based insurance regulatory system along with a record of thoughtful leadership on international insurance issues,” Pusey said. “Throughout his tenure as Pennsylvania Commissioner, he worked at ensuring that a proper balance was struck between regulating insurers and representing the best interests of policyholders. Commissioner Consedine’s professional experience in the private sector as well as in state government gives him a seasoned perspective.”

Consedine was Pennsylvania’s Insurance Commissioner from 2011 to 2015. Currently, he works as the head of government and policy affairs with the Netherlands-based pensions and life insurance group Aegon, a role he has occupied since August.