The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) Division of Enforcement (DOE) has published its first Enforcement Manual, which serves as a general reference in the investigation and prosecution of regulation violations.

“The publication of the Enforcement Manual is part of a broader agency effort to advance policy-neutral reforms designed to make us better regulators,” Enforcement Director James McDonald said. “Our Manual aims to increase the level of clarity and transparency in our work. Clarity and transparency in our policies should promote fairness, increase predictability, and enhance respect for the rule of law. We expect the publication of our Manual to advance these goals going forward.”
The document provides an overview of the CFTC and DOE while establishing certain general policies and procedures guiding the work of DOE staff in detecting, investigating and prosecuting violations of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and the CFTC Regulations.
“The Enforcement manual is intended to be a useful guide for the Enforcement staff in their work dedicated to the mission of the Division and the Commission in investigating and prosecuting violations of the CEA and Regulations,” Enforcement Chief Counsel Gretchen Lowe said. “By sharing this manual today, it may facilitate a better understanding and give perspective about the Division efforts to meet that mission.”