Kirsten Sutton Mork has been chosen to serve as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) chief of staff.

Acting Director Mick Mulvaney made the announcement this week, touting the skill set of Mork, whose tenure on Capitol Hill spans the financial crisis and post-crisis legislative response.
“I worked with Kirsten during my tenure as a member on the House Financial Services Committee and can attest to her in-depth financial policy expertise, proven track record of developing and implementing strategic initiatives,” Mulvaney said. “Kirsten brings with her more than a decade of invaluable experience that will advance the mission of the Bureau and make it more efficient, effective and accountable.”
Mork has been serving as staff director of the House Financial Services Committee under Chairman Jeb Hensarling.
She was appointed deputy staff director to the House Financial Services Committee in 2013 and became staff director in early 2017. She attended Wheaton College, where she received a degree in communications.
CFPB officials said the agency helps consumer finance markets work by regularly identifying and addressing outdated, unnecessary, or unduly burdensome regulations – making rules more effective by consistently enforcing federal consumer financial law and empowering consumers to take more control over their economic lives.