Adult-use marijuana establishments in Massachusetts surpassed $3 billion in gross sales this week, reported the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission.

The 216 marijuana retailers and 11 delivery businesses in the state crossed the $3 billion sales threshold on May 14, about three and a half years after the first stores opened in November 2018.
“These sales figures illustrate the steady growth Massachusetts residents expected when they voted to legalize adult-use cannabis in 2016, and the Commission was appointed in 2017,” Commission Executive Director Shawn Collins said. “I’m proud our staff continue to work diligently to ensure applicants move through our licensing process efficiently, Marijuana Establishments operate within a safe, accessible, and effective regulated market, and our work to ensure equity in the industry and the agency remains front and center.”
Just eight months ago, in August of 2021, sales passed the $2 billion sales threshold. Since then, 54 more marijuana retailers have opened for business across the states and five more marijuana couriers. Additionally, in calendar year 2021, 194 marijuana retailers throughout the state generated a total of $1.3 billion in sales – a record for the state.
The commission also reported that on April 20, known as a day of recognition for cannabis enthusiasts, marijuana establishments generated about $6 million in sales, topping the $4.2 million in sales on April 20, 2021.
In related news, the Massachusetts House of Representatives approved reforms to the state’s marijuana laws that focus on equity issues this week.
The bill provides capital to minority-owned marijuana businesses to ensure that those disproportionately harmed by marijuana prohibition can participate in this new industry, Mass. House Speaker Ron Mariano tweeted.
“It also expedites the expungement process for those seeking to clear a record for offenses that have been decriminalized, clarifies the process for approving social consumption sites, and allows cannabis businesses the same tax advantages that other businesses have,” Mariano tweeted on May 18.