U.S. Reps. Troy A. Carter, Sr. (D-LA) and Rodney Davis (R-IL) recently introduced legislation that seeks an expungement method regarding low-level federal marijuana violations.

The Marijuana Misdemeanor Expungement Act would also expeditiously address clearing non-felony marijuana offenses lingering in the federal system.
“I’m proud to introduce The Marijuana Misdemeanor Expungement Act, bipartisan legislation that will restore justice to millions of Americans who have suffered inordinate collateral consequences associated with marijuana-related misdemeanors,” Carter said. “These misdemeanors – even without a conviction – can result in restrictions to peoples’ ability to access educational aid, housing assistance, occupational licensing and even foster parenting.”
Carter said delivering justice for citizens impacted by marijuana-related misdemeanors represents an essential component of comprehensive cannabis reform.
“Given the number of states, like Illinois, where marijuana has long been legalized for adult use, we must ensure that our criminal justice system keeps pace so that individuals with low-level misdemeanor violations related to its use does not preclude them from getting jobs and participating in society,” Davis said.
Minorities 4 Medical Marijuana
Founder and CEO Roz McCarthy said the measure enables Americans to remove an impediment to economic progress while restoring the ability to maximize their full potential.
“Addressing the negative societal and economic effects permeated by marijuana prohibition at both the federal and state level will be critical as we seek to deliver comprehensive cannabis reform in this country,” McCarthy said. “I want to thank Rep. Carter for introducing The Marijuana Misdemeanor Expungement Act, and I look forward to working with them to move this bill forward in the weeks to come.”