Americans for Safe Access (ASA) has released a report examining the efficacy of state medical cannabis laws.

The organization evaluated patient access, affordability, equity, and product safety.
“With a decline in legislative improvements in state medical cannabis programs, millions of patients are left with limited or no access,” ASA Executive Director Debbie Churgai said. “It is ASA’s hope that the report will inspire a renewed commitment to patients by policymakers to improve state laws and end the federal prohibition once and for all.”
The 2021 State of the States Report: An Analysis of Medical Cannabis Access in the United States evaluated the effectiveness of each state cannabis program from a patient point of view while issuing letter grades reflecting issues impacting patient access covering more than 100 categories.
Pennsylvania State Rep. Chris Rabb (D-District 200) said the report has served as a resource he utilizes to ensure all Pennsylvanians have access to medical cannabis.
“As the largest cannabis patient advocacy group, their recommendations have helped me hone in on issues that impact patients and work to pass improvements to better their lives,” Rabb said. “The report has also been a critical tool in educating my colleagues on the shortfalls of the current program and why improvements are necessary for Pennsylvanians.”
The analysis explores barriers to access, civil protections, affordability, health and social equity, and product safety, as well as penalties for detrimental policies.