ICBA supports regulatory relief bill

The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) are imploring lawmakers to pass a banking regulatory relief bill, as a means of strengthening economic growth and job creation.

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ICBA officials recently sent a letter to the House of Representatives in immediate support of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act.

“The bill bears the unmistakable stamp of numerous community bank regulatory relief bills that have advanced in the House in the 115th Congress and in prior Congresses,” ICBA, which is comprised of 43 state community banking associations, wrote. “Years of hearings, debate, and deliberation in the House prompted the Senate to craft, debate and ultimately pass as a bipartisan bill.”

The letter was generated on the heels of the release of an ICBA petition of more than 10,000 community bank employees and allies urging immediate passage of the measure, which includes many House-passed provisions inspired by ICBA’s Plan for Prosperity regulatory relief platform.

“The ICBA looks forward to continuing to work with members of the House to immediately pass community bank regulatory relief that can be signed into law by President Trump,” ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey said.

ICBA serves as the nation’s voice for nearly 5,700 community banks of all sizes and charter types, dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and its membership through effective advocacy, best-in-class education and high-quality products and services.