Reps. Smith, Moran move to rescind unobligated IRS funding from Inflation Reduction Act

U.S. Reps. Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Nathaniel Moran (R-TX) introduced legislation that seeks to rescind unobligated funding to the Internal Revenue Service from the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Specifically, the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act would rescind certain unobligated amounts made available to the Internal Revenue Service by the Inflation Reduction Act. The rescinded amount would be for enforcement activities and operations support; planning for the free, direct electronic filing (e-filing) tax return system; and funding the U.S. Tax Court and certain Department of the Treasury tax agencies.

“I have fought hard to successfully reclaim much of these taxpayer funds, and now it is time to finish the job. A broken IRS doesn’t need more taxpayer dollars thrown at the problem. It needs to focus on serving Americans,” Smith said.