Rep. Norton advocates D.C. recreational marijuana commercialization efforts

U.S. Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) is advocating for the Biden administration to end support for the District of Columbia marijuana rider and endorse D.C. authority to grant clemency.

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Norton said the rider prohibits D.C. from spending local funds on commercializing recreational marijuana, adding it is time for D.C. to possess the authority to grant clemency for crimes under D.C. laws.

“I applaud the president’s pardons, but his administration has actively worked to block the District of Columbia from spending its local funds on commercializing recreational marijuana, which is a shocking violation of D.C. home rule by a Democratic administration,” Norton said, noting Biden’s recent pardon for federal and District of Columbia offenses for simple possession of marijuana. “Pardons for D.C. marijuana offenses also show that D.C. should not have to rely on the president to exercise mercy and mitigate the harms of unjust policies. D.C. should have the authority to grant clemency for D.C. crimes like the states and territories have for crimes under their laws. The Biden administration should publicly endorse giving D.C. this authority.”

Officials noted the Biden administration’s two budgets propose maintaining the rider prohibiting D.C. from commercializing recreational marijuana – though the administration supports D.C. statehood.

Additionally, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform passed Norton’s District of Columbia Home Rule Expansion Act last month, which would provide D.C. with exclusive authority to grant clemency for D.C. crimes, among other provisions.