Reps. Blumenauer, Lee provide year-end cannabis reform update

Congressional Cannabis Caucus Co-Chairs Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Barbara Lee (D-CA) have released a year-end cannabis progress report detailing steps taken by Congress throughout 2021 regarding the space.

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The representatives also addressed priorities for 2022, including federal descheduling, sentencing reform, industry equity, and research.

“The table is set and the time is right for comprehensive cannabis reform, which will make a huge difference for people around the country,” Blumenauer said. “This year, we’ve advanced the MORE Act closer to the finish line, passed the SAFE Banking Act, and made progress in terms of research. Most importantly, we’ve watched this issue gain more momentum than ever with the American people—almost 70 percent of whom, including a majority of Republicans, want to see federal reform. Let’s get it done.”

Lee said it is time for the federal government to catch up to the rest of the country and start leading on cannabis reform.

“The solutions for comprehensive reform are there, and this year we made progress,” she said. “We’ve passed the MORE Act in the House, the SAFE Banking Act, and several Appropriations provisions. It’s far past time Congress move to finally get this across the finish line. Ending the war on drugs is an issue of racial equity and a moral imperative.”

Lee indicated she is looking forward to continuing work with Blumenauer to make strides toward comprehensive cannabis reform in the new year.